About two/three weeks after receiving a bid, new members will begin to start thinking about who they want as their big. We are at that time right now within our chapter, and last Thursday, all 18 new members of Alpha Phi wrote down their top four choices of initiated members that they would want as their mentor. The best part about this process is they have to go an entire two weeks without knowing who their big is. These two weeks are filled with pure lies and deception. They will receive all sorts of goodies throughout the week including a flower and a note, their favorite drink and candy, and a personalized pin box, all from their big sisters, still not knowing who they are. After the two weeks of confusion, bigs are finally revealed to their littles in a fun and inviting way. Last semester, bigs were wrapped up with wrapping paper and had gift tags on them that said their littles name, the littles then came into the room and unwrapped their bigs to find out who they were.
When I received my little, it was by far one of the happiest moments of my time in Alpha Phi. It was so hard deceiving her for those two weeks, but I did what I had to do. I knew from the beginning, she was the girl I wanted as my little. Never did I think that I would become this close with my little, nor did I think she would impact my life the way that she has. We talk every single day, all day long, the longest we have been away from each other is about two weeks and that was because it was summertime. Sure we bicker, but we get over it in about 4 minutes because we realize we were both being dumb & we shouldn't be fighting over the little things. Even though I am her big sister, she is the one I call when I need advice, when I need someone to talk to or when I just when I need a good laugh. She is also the one that tells me when something is a bad idea, but will most often times do it with me, like driving up a questionable road with a clearly marked 'Road Closed' sign. We by far have some of the best adventures anyone could have including, but not limited to: double tubing in Lake Powell, stealing random abandoned shopping carts, screaming at the top of our lungs to 'Sippin' on Sunshine', football games, sending screenshots of creepy pictures to each other and captioning it with a simple 'Good Morning' or even a 'Goodnight', jumping in a reservoir at midnight when it's still freezing outside & who could forget those laughing attacks. This just names a few. This girl is my rock & can tell when something is wrong with me without me having to say a word. I'm not only lucky enough to call her my little, but also my best friend. We support each other in everything that we do, even when we might not agree. This is what a big and little relationship is all about in a sorority. These are the types of friendships that will last far longer than just the four years of college. & for this, I am thankful because if it wasn't for Alpha Phi, I wouldn't know what it is like to be a big sister. Forever & Always little one!<3
As big and little week approaches, anxiety is high as the new members will find out who their bigs are. Will my family grow? I guess we'll just have to see come this Thursday.
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