My woman crush for this Wednesday would have to be Diem Brown. Most would recognize her from the MTV show, The Challenge. She caught her fame first on the MTV show Real World/Road Rules Challenge. If you kept up with the show, you are probably aware that Diem was diagnosed with cancer. Through out her time on the reality television show, she shared her story & showed what true courage is.
Through her battle, she became an inspiration to others as she founded, a support registry for anyone suffering from an illness. Her smile was infectious & her love of life was an inspiration. She was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 23. She was then diagnosed again in 2012. But she kept hope and she kept fighting the fight. By August 2014, the cancer had spread to her colon, stomach, lymph nodes and liver. Still, she continued to fight until cancer eventually took her life on November 15, 2014 at the age of 34.
Diem was a Delta Gamma at Florida State University. She loved her sorority and everything that it stood for. In her remembrance video played at her memorial service, it shows pictures/videos of her college experience with her sorority sisters. Touching pictures of Diem and sisters doing the famous DG pose at a Race for the Cure. Her sisters supported her and loved her through her difficult times and were by her side through it all. THIS is what being is a sorority is all about. THIS is the support you may not have the opportunity to have unless you are a part of something so much bigger than yourself.
Rest in Peace Diem Brown & thank you for being a true inspiration for everyone around you.
For more on this story & to view Diem's memorial video visit: To view Diem's blog through her battle visit:,,20675903,00.html
#diembrown #cancer #MTV #therealword #thechallenge #deltagamma #FSU #flordiastate #DG #WCW #hope #medgift